Advisory: SUNY Chancellor King, Senator Oberacker to Attend Building Re-Opening at SUNY Delhi

Ribbon-cutting to celebrate completion of two-year renovation of Farnsworth Hall

Delhi, NY (09/03/2024) — SUNY Chancellor John B. King, Jr. and New York State Senator Peter Oberacker are among the guests scheduled to attend the ribbon-cutting and re-dedication event for Farnsworth Hall at SUNY Delhi this Friday.

Farnsworth Hall, the cornerstone facility for Delhi's acclaimed veterinary science programs, underwent a comprehensive two-year renovation focusing on energy efficiency and advanced building systems. With new HVAC technologies, specialized ventilation for animal care areas, updated plumbing, and all-LED lighting, the building now supports state-of-the-art veterinary science labs, surgical suites, a new community-facing small animal health clinic, and classrooms with infrastructure that supports technology, student collaboration, and multi-use needs.

In addition to Chancellor King and Senator Oberacker, the following individuals and elected officials will be in attendance:
Delhi Village Mayor Jeremy Fitch
Delhi Village Board of Trustees
Assemblyman Chris Tague
Alex Horton, Representing Rep. Marc Molinaro
Harris Weiss, Office of Gov. Hochul
Members of the SUNY Construction Fund

Members of the press are welcome to attend the event.

Event details


Friday, September 6, 2024

2:00 pm - Chancellor to meet with Veterinary Science Technology student ambassadors (Farnsworth Hall)

2:30 pm - Welcome and ribbon-cutting with remarks from SUNY Delhi President Mary Bonderoff, Chancellor John B. King, Jr., Dean of Veterinary Science and Professional Studies Bret Meckel, Assemblyman Tague, and Senator Oberacker (Farnsworth Hall, new side entrance)

3:00 pm - Building tours and reception with refreshments (Farnsworth Hall, ground floor)

Media Attachments

The new public-facing façade of Farnsworth Hall, the cornerstone facility for SUNY Delhi's acclaimed veterinary science programs.